The African Coffee Research Network (ACRN)
ACRN is a network of coffee research for the African coffee producing countries. It was established in 1993 by the member countries of IACO, following their necessity to maintain close co-operation in all areas affecting their vital interests as coffee producers and particularly in the field of research. ACRN is a technical branch of IACO for research.
About ACRN
Revitalize and improve research in order to enhance the productivity and quality of African coffee.
Key missions
Promoting cooperation and exchange of scientific information and technologies among members;
Encouraging common research objectives to address constraints of African coffee production.
Establishing collaboration with national and international institutes and coffee research organizations;
Raising funds to support the African coffee research
Mission : The Network’s mission is to revitalise and improve research so as to enhance the productivity , production and quality of African coffee.
Objectives : The basic, realistic and achievable objectives are:
- to enhance co-operation, concertation and exchange of scientific information between members;
- to encourage common research objectives;
- to improve on creation, coordination and development of regional or international organisations and donors;
- to organise the training and retraining of scientists, extensionists and other coffee stakeholders;
- to exchange and disseminate information, technologies especially plants materials;
- to mobilise funds to finance the Network’s programmes and activities