History of Coffee
The most current legend on the discovery of coffee is that of the sleepless nights in a monastery, with as principal actors unquestionable Kaldi and agitated goats. Kaldi was indeed an Arab shepherd who lived at the 3rd century before Jesus Christ in this part of the world known now as Ethiopia. Kaldi noticed that its goats jumped and moved in an unusual way each time that they consumed red cherries of a certain plant. It spoke to an abbot in a close monastery about it and they decided to test the effect of the red cherries by soaking them in boiling water and make a drink out of it. They did not hesitate to drink this beverage and noted that he could contrary to his usual habits remain long hours up. The abbot and his monks then agreed to use this preparation for their wakekeeping.
The news of the stimulating effect of these strange fruits was spread and everyone wanted to get some. This passion for the coffee drink led to the creation of coffee plantations as of the 15th and 16th centuries on the Yemen territory in the Arabic peninsula. Thus discovered in Ethiopia by Kaldi the shepherd, coffee was initially propagated in the Moslem countries of Arabia and Persia before extending to Europe, America and the whole world.
Varieties of Coffee
Arabica Coffee fruit is considered as a sophisticated range of coffee due to its smoothness and softness and its low caffeine content. It likes fresh climate It grows well in mountainous zones of the tropics The Arabica grows between 1000 et 2000 metres of altitude. In central and southern America and also ripens slowly and gives good quality coffee.
It is the fruit of coffea canephora, one of the greatest species of coffee plants. As the name indicates, it is a robust plant which contrary to Arabica grows on low altitude. Its production is concentrated in the humid Africa and Asia. A Robusta plant produces twice as much fruits as the best Arabica plant. Robusta contains more caffeine than the Arabica and it is more bitter.